Engineering Magnet Program - Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics
Course Description:
This career cluster uses Project Lead the Way’s curriculum for engineering. In PLTW Engineering, students engage in open-ended problem solving, learn and apply the engineering design process, and use the same industry-leading technology and software as are used in the world’s top companies. Students are immersed in design as they investigate topics such as ethicists, sustainability, mechatronics, forces, structures, aerodynamics, digital electronics and circuit design, manufacturing, and the environment, which gives them an opportunity to learn about different engineering disciplines before beginning post-secondary education or careers.
- Description taken from Project Lead the Way, Engineering Curriculum
© Project Lead The Way, Inc. 2014.
The PLTW Engineering foundation courses offered at Veterans Memorial include:
- Introduction to Engineering Design (IED, 1 year)
- Principles of Engineering (POE, 1 year)
The PLTW Engineering specialization courses offered at Veterans Memorial include:
- Aerospace Engineering (AE, 1 year) Coming 2015- 2016 School Year
- Digital Electronics (DE, 1 year)
- Engineering Design and Development (EDD, 1 year)
- Steve Rodriguez
- Email:
- Room: B-229
- Conference Period: 5th
- Luis Villarreal
- Email:
- Room: T-126
- Conference Period: 5th
- Oscar Castillo
- Email:
- Room: B-220
- Conference Period: 5th
Related CTSO:
With engineering being one of the most popular CTE pathways at Veterans Memorial High School, the engineering instructors always encourage students to join the Technology Student Association. This organization provides students with opportunities to expand on their interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, while promoting leadership and community service.
Students looking into joining the Technology Student Association can choose any of the methods listed below to find out more about this amazing organization.
- Visit our contact page and send us a message about your interest.
- Visit any of the engineering instructors for more information on competitive events.
- Speak to one of our officers to find out more information on upcoming events and community service opportunities.