Many times more advanced countries will ship out e-waste to developing countries, which causes more harm than good. Since these developing countries may not have the safest methods of disposal, toxic chemicals can be created by the used electronics and be emitted into the country’s environment. These chemicals can easily cause health issues for humans and animals. These dangers make it extremely important for the world to know how to properly dispose of electronic waste. Hazardous materials are not only dangerous to throw away, but it is also illegal- this is why it is important to recycle. First and foremost, make sure that the organization you are recycling your waste with is a legitimate and reliable source. One of the best sources would be retailers such as Best Buy that offer a safe, environmentally friendly electronic waste recycling system. Furthermore, one of the best things to do before disposing of an electronic device or accessory is to check the item’s packaging to see if it is classified as hazardous waste. If there is not a retailer who offers a recycling program, it would be best to contact city officials for information on local Electronic waste centers. Another method is to use a device until it completely gives out or breaks permanently. But the most important method of properly disposing electronic waste, is getting the word out to fellow friends, coworkers, teacher and your community!
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